Tag: Course Navigation

Move the LearnDash Focus Mode Sidebar to the Right

We’ve previously showed you how to adjust the focus mode header height, and apply a background color to the focus mode header. In this article, we’ll continue customizing LearnDash’s Focus Mode by moving the navigation panel (aka: Focus Mode sidebar) from the left side of the screen to the right.

I’ll walk you through all the CSS and explain what each piece of code is doing, and then provide the full CSS to copy/paste at the bottom.

Customize the “Return to Course” Link in the LearnDash Navigation Widget

When you use the LearnDash course navigation widget, and navigate to a lesson, topic or quiz page, you’ll see a “Return to [Course]” link appear at the bottom. No surprise, this brings you back to the course page.

But what if you wanted to customize the “Return to [Course]” link?

  • 🚫 Hide the “Return to” part and just display the course title?
  • 👈 Add a back arrow before the course title?
  • 👆 Move the entire link to the top of the navigation?
  • Or just completely remove the link all together?!

You’ve come to the right place!

Change Font Size in LearnDash Course Navigation Widget

Outdated: This article only applies to the “Legacy” active template. It will not work when using the “LearnDash 3.0” active template.

Are the font sizes in your LearnDash course navigation widget too small? Or they don’t match your theme?

In this post, I’ll show you how to change the font size of your course nav widget. You can change the font size of everything in the course nav, as well as target just the lessons. Let’s walk through each option.